tileset - output c source file

ne0ndrag0n 2021-02-27 21:16:31 -05:00
parent 66b7ed745b
commit 81a1888f6d
1 changed files with 57 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
use crate::reskit::utility;
use std::process::exit;
use std::fs;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use image::{ GenericImageView, DynamicImage };
@ -59,6 +60,60 @@ fn output_bin( image_filename: &str, output_filename: &str, palette: [u16; 16],
fn output_inc( image_filename: &str, output_filename: &str, palette: [u16; 16], body: Vec<u8> ) {
let mut output_palette: Vec< u8 > = Vec::new();
for i in 0..palette.len() {
let bytes = palette[ i ].to_be_bytes();
for i in 0..2 {
output_palette.push( bytes[ i ] );
let mut output_c: String = String::new();
let mut output_h: String = String::new();
// Set output_h based on image_filename
output_h += "#pragma once\n\n";
output_h += &format!( "extern const unsigned char {}[];\n", output_filename );
output_h += &format!( "extern const unsigned int {}_len;\n", output_filename );
let mut row_counter = 12;
// Spray palette
output_c += &format!( "const unsigned char {}[] = {{\n", output_filename );
for i in 0..32 {
if row_counter == 0 {
row_counter = 12;
output_c += "\n";
} else {
row_counter = row_counter - 1;
output_c += &format!( "0x{:X},", output_palette[ i ] );
for i in 0..body.len() {
if row_counter == 0 {
row_counter = 12;
output_c += "\n";
} else {
row_counter = row_counter - 1;
output_c += &format!( "0x{:X}", body[ i ] );
if i != ( body.len() - 1 ) {
output_c += ",";
output_c += "\n};\n";
output_c += &format!( "const unsigned int {}_len = {}\n", output_filename, output_palette.len() + body.len() );
fs::write( output_filename.to_string() + ".h", output_h ).expect( "Could not write header file" );
fs::write( output_filename.to_string() + ".c", output_c ).expect( "Could not write source file" );
utility::print_good( format!( "converted file {}", image_filename ).as_str() );
pub fn generate( image_filename: &str, output_filename: &str, output_mode: &str ) {
let img = image::open( image_filename );
if let Ok( img ) = img {
@ -89,6 +144,8 @@ pub fn generate( image_filename: &str, output_filename: &str, output_mode: &str
if output_mode == "bin" {
output_bin( image_filename, output_filename, palette, body );
} else if output_mode == "inc" {
output_inc( image_filename, output_filename, palette, body );
} else {
utility::print_error( format!( "invalid output mode {}", output_mode ).as_str() );